Workshop on

Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle East

10 May 2024 | Kayseri, TÜRKİYE 

Call for Conference Papers and RSPP Special Issue on

Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle East

Regional Science Policy & Practice – RSPP is the official policy and practitioner orientated journal of the Regional Science Association International. The journal seeks to publish high-impact research with a policy and practical relevance. It welcomes submissions from varied academic disciplines and practitioners, including planning, public policy, sociology, geography, economics, environmental science, and related fields.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) encompass a set of 17 global objectives unanimously adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals are carefully formulated to address diverse and interconnected challenges on a global scale, spanning issues such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.

In the contemporary context, the SDGs carry particular significance for the Middle East. Current circumstances highlight the pressing need for immediate action, particularly in the domain of SDG 16—Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. Interconnected socioeconomic factors necessitate prompt attention to goals 10 (Reduced Inequality), 5 (Gender Equality), and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). The Middle East grapples with distinct challenges, including political instability, water scarcity, and socio-economic disparities. Issues of inequality, unemployment, and social exclusion are prevalent in many Middle Eastern countries. Migration flows in the region have been significant, driven by factors such as economic opportunities, political instability, conflict, and social reasons. In addressing these multifaceted challenges, the SDGs offer a relevant framework, emphasizing critical goals such as peace, quality education, decent work, and reduced inequality.

Nevertheless, in contrast to developed countries, Middle Eastern nations often face limitations in facilities for scientific research, encompassing challenges such as restricted data availability, limited methods, and constrained theoretical domains. Consequently, scientific contributions predominantly emanate from Northern countries. This disparity extends to policies and implementation, being influenced by a Northern agenda rather than addressing the specific needs and priorities of regions such as the Middle East (Blicharska, M. et al., 2017). This trend hinders global sustainable development and, consequently, obstructs the fulfillment of Agenda 2030 (Blicharska, M. et al., 2021).

Acknowledging the intrinsic connection between peace and sustainability (Simangan et al., 2021) and recognizing the potential synergies, structural, and institutional reforms lead us to perceive the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a fundamental pillar of peace in the Middle East. Understanding the complexity of sustainable peace and the interconnected components of SDGs requires multidisciplinary frameworks. In an effort to facilitate collaboration among scientists worldwide for a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the region, we extend our invitation to the entire scientific community interested in contributing to this important topic.

Papers presented at the workshop will be published in a special issue of one of RSAI journals: Regional Science Policy and Practice. This special issue aims to deepen our understanding of the facilitators of SDGs in the Middle East, taking a broad perspective while placing a specific focus on peace.

We invite researchers, academics, and professionals across various disciplines to express their interest in attending a workshop scheduled for May 10, 2024. Kindly submit your abstract to:

Key Dates

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts:
30 April 2024
Notification of Accepted Abstracts:
30 April 2024
Submission of Full Papers:
15 June 2024
Workshop Data:
25 April 2024
Deadline of Submission of Papers to RSPP:
30 September 2024


Tomaz Dentinho

Tomaz Dentinho
University of Azores, Portugal

Ana Vinuela
University of Oviedo, Spain

John Östh